Deities from Hinduism Worshipped On Each Day of the week

Turning towards Gods and Goddesses, as well as a higher power, during challenging times is a common instinct for many individuals. A divine entity, capable of alleviating our troubles and aiding us in overcoming obstacles — what more could we ask for? Hence, specific days of the week are earmarked for worshiping these divine beings in Hinduism. Whether it’s honoring Lord Shiva and Goddess Lakshmi on Mondays or paying homage to Maa Santoshi on Fridays, each day of the week is associated with particular deities in Hindu practices. Explore the deities revered on each day of the week in Hinduism as you delve into this piece.

Monday : Lord Shiva

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Monday is known as the day of Lord Shiva, who is revered as ‘Devadhi Dev’ or the Supreme God in Hinduism. Shiva symbolizes immense strength and spiritual energy, yet he bestows a sense of tranquility upon his followers. People pray to him for empowerment, bravery, and serenity. As the deity who eradicates malevolence and instigates change both in the universe and in the lives of his worshippers, Lord Shiva embodies the cycle of birth, sustenance, and demise within himself.

Tuesday : Lord Hanuman

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Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, also known as ‘Sankat Mochan’, the one who averts obstacles and disasters. He is revered for his deep devotion to Lord Rama, his courage, immense power, celibacy, and unwavering loyalty. Worshipping Hanuman on Tuesdays is believed to bestow courage and shield against harm. Seeking his blessings for strength to tackle life’s challenges is customary. Additionally, it is said that Hanuman is the swiftest problem-solver as he dwells closest to Earth as an immortal being, a Chiranjeevi.

Wednesday : Lord Ganesha

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In the Hindu religion, Wednesdays are dedicated to honoring Lord Ganesha, the deity known for clearing obstacles and bringing blessings and prosperity to his followers, including good health and financial wealth. Followers on Wednesdays pray for his blessings in achieving success and gaining wisdom in their endeavors and journeys. Lord Ganesha represents intelligence and wealth, underscoring the significance of seeking his assistance and encouragement during life’s trials.

Thursday : Lord Vishnu or A Guru

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Thursday, also known as ‘Guruvar’ in Hindi, is a day of reverence to Lord Vishnu, the guardian and custodian of the cosmos in Hinduism, and also symbolic of the guiding presence in our lives. Lord Vishnu is responsible for upholding the harmony and righteousness in the world, much akin to the role of our mentors who assist us in navigating our own path. It is common for individuals to offer prayers to Vishnu on Thursdays, seeking his grace for steadfastness and abundance in their lives.

Friday : Santoshi Mata

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Friday is a day dedicated to honoring Santoshi Maa, who is believed to be Lord Ganesh’s daughter. The Friday fast, known as ‘Shukravaar vrat’, is observed to pay homage to Santoshi Mata, during which followers refrain from consuming any non-vegetarian food or acidic substances. Post the prayers on Friday, devotees partake in the traditional offering of ‘Gud-Chana’ prasad to break their fast.

Moreover, Fridays hold significance for Goddess Mahalakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. She is revered as the bestower of riches, prosperity, and positive energy. Individuals worship Mahalakshmi ji on Fridays to seek her blessings for material wealth and spiritual well-being.

Saturday : Shani Dev

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Saturdays are reserved for worshipping Shani Dev, the deity representing justice and order. Shani Dev is both feared and revered by many, and worshippers dedicate their prayers to him with great reverence on this day. People show respect to Shani Dev on Saturdays and seek his guidance to overcome challenges. It is believed that by praying to Shani Dev, one can attain stability in life and maintain a proper karmic balance.

Sunday : Surya Dev

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Sunday marks the day of Surya Dev or the Sun God. It is said that worshipping Surya Dev helps people be more radiant in life just like him and maintain composure and calm through tough times. Sundays are dedicated to praying to him and asking him for vitality, strength, and positivity. Through prayers and early morning water offerings, people absorb his divine energy which helps maintain spiritual and physical well-being.

Shuchi Pandey